Five Years with Tiger


Happy birthday to our sweet Tiger. I’ve loved watching you settle into the leader of The Adams Kids over the past year! Azelle just adores you, she bursts into a megawatt smile each time she sees you and Arrow completely idolizes his cool big brother. It’s so cute to overhear you show him the way, like when he kicked off his shoes (again) and you said “Arrow, I used to not like wearing shoes, either, or a coat, or eating food, and now I like to do all those things!” I continue to revel in your insanely creative wit, “mommy, why is it a unicorn? Shouldn’t it be a unihorn? And why do we call them butterflies? Shouldn’t they be flutterbies?”

I love the way you so carefully pull out your markers and draw our home over and over and fill it with big windows, a chimney and then as many colorful hearts as you can fit. I don’t, however, appreciate it when you tell me I’m a “bad Mommy for my whole life” when I don’t let you watch another episode of Dora the Explorer.. But even when you challenge me beyond, I couldn’t love you more or be more proud of you.

Thank you for showing Tom and I the way as parents and taking the brunt of our parenting mistakes as the oldest kiddo. I can’t believe you’re graduating BrightStart, but I cannot wait to watch the adventure at Crane unfold. You are quite the kid- bright, sensitive, thoughtful, silly and all ours. Happiest day, and year and life to you my little love!

TigerGrace Abbott