Three Years with Arrow


Arrow, my little love, happy 3rd birthday to you! The way you connect with people is so endearing. Like yesterday when I saw you for the first time at Chuck E Cheese (which you requested for your birthday just like Tiger a month ago) and you literally ran to me from across the way, tightly wrapped your arms and legs around me and nuzzled into my neck. Or when I play Safe and Sound (you’re favorite song) and you squeal, “Tiger, it’s OUR song” and then together you two run circles around the house.

I often watch you grab a hand and make a lovely little request like “can I show you my big boy bed?” or “will you come look at the bees with me” or pleading at bedtime, “please mama, don’t leave..” But, under that sweetness you do have a wonderful mischievousness and I believe a budding comedic brilliance.

I love how in the mornings you want to drink “coffee” (warm milk and a lil sugar) out of an adult cup like mommy with your messy hair and sleepy eyes. I love that you actually eat your broccoli and say, please, thank you and goodbye. I would love it if you could stop accidentally hurting yourself and drooling like a waterfall, but in the meantime, I will happily apply superhero Band-Aids to your booboos and take your sloppy wet kisses.

We have some big changes ahead – potty training and bidding a final adieu to your beloved pacifier (help me!). But, you are a rockstar my child, we will get through it! I can only imagine where your sweet vulnerability, playful flirting and beautiful blond curly hair will take you in life! I love you SOOOOOO much!

ArrowGrace Abbott