Two Years with Tiger


To our loving little Tiger, life forever changed for Tom Adams and I on your birthday and your presence over the last 2 years has been so sweet!

I love that you use big words like Lamborghini and bougainvillea and say things like “I want to go to the Mission and pick wildflowers”, I love that you ask to see the “big moon that is very, very far away” before bed, I love that you ‘fill’ the gas tank of your toy car up with vanilla and coconut extract, I love that you fling your arms around my neck and say “I just want to hug Mama”, I love that you didn’t hold a grudge but actually befriended the boy who bit you in preschool, I love that you loudly sing and act out “Wheels on the Bus” for audiences, I love that you make me laugh every morning by trying to convince me that your sock goes on your neck and not on your foot!

I am so proud of who you already are, honored to be your mother and excited to continue to carry you, walk with you, listen to you, talk to you and be by your side for many, many years to come.

Happiest of birthdays to our beloved son, grandson, nephew, friend and soon to be brother!

TigerGrace Abbott