Two Years with Azelle


Azelle Karen Adams, A.K.A., MademAzelle, A.K.A, The Great Destroyer… You mischievous, magical muse of mine! Even though you only hang around so long as you’re entertained (if not, you’ll go entertain yourself) you certainly have our attention.

Basically daily, I watch you squeal away with my lotion, toothpaste, shampoo (to squirt on the floor, down the drain, or on half your face..), actually spin yourself around and around until you drop down dizzy, destroy at least 6 of my (somewhat) organized drawers, or climb to the highest possible height you can even fathom to climb… I mean, we have screwed 2.5 feet of plexiglass above every banister in our home because of your delirious antics!

It’s so funny how much you care if someone’s possession is in someone else’s hands and you must, you MUST, return it to the rightful owner, or how you will pretend to grab and suck (with a very noisy slurping sound) every single depiction of food in any book we read, how instead of asking for more ice cream, you’ll just steal spoonful’s of the boys when they aren’t looking, or the way you defend yourself with a sabertooth bite, but then immediately offer your victim an ice pack, kiss the wound and say, very genuinely “I sawwey”.  And every time you poop, you demand that I “wash da butttt”, and if I do not attend to washing your butt quickly enough, I will find that you have already climbed into a sink and squirted soap down your back to take care of it yourself!

After 2 boys, it’s really fun to pick out the girly outfit you like to wear (even though now you mainly only want to be naked). You love to layer on bracelets, necklaces and sunglasses and your favorite color really is pink! I love how enthusiastically you dance, “naked dance party” is one of your favorite activities. And even if you’re tired or mad, if I look at you and say “daaance??”, you’ll, at the very least, give me a smile and a few good fist pumps.  

You’ve completely wrapped Tiger and Arrow (and Daddy) around your little baby finger. You cajole your brothers into carrying multiple books upstairs for you every single morning (they don’t seem to notice how you don’t care to read them once upstairs). And your father cannot resist your dramatic “Daahhhddddey PEAS!” plea for more of whatever it is you’re seeking.

You are tough, but sweet, you are confident, incredibly empathetic, adventurous, you are innately COOL and we are all magnetized to you! You are going to go places girl and I just love basking in your beautiful pink glow. Happies of 2nd birthdays to my amazing Azelle, Mama loves you so!

AzelleGrace Abbott